Thursday, November 17, 2011

Something Pumpkin =)

Hey all! So since Thanksgiving is right around the corner, AND we just had halloween, I wanted to get in the spirit of things and make something with pumpkin. These muffins are delicious and moist!

What you need...
1 1/2 cups almond flour (can be found at most health food stores like trader joes)
3/4 cup canned pumpkin puree or made fresh which is more fun!
3 large eggs
1tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/8 tsp sea salt
1/4 cup raw honey
2 tsp almond butter
1 Tbs sliced almonds

What you do....
Oven at 350 degrees. Mix all of the ingredients together expect almonds, pour evenly into a cupcake pan and cook for 25 mins. Sprinkle almonds on top immediately after taking out of the oven. Again pretty simple and feels like the holidays!!!!

Still loving my Paleo lifestyle everyday!!!! And it's fun to get a chance to get creative in the kitchen to make Paleo things that are similar to things I used to eat! I've been making lots of stuff lately and just saving it and eating them all week. Been really nice on my pocket book too! (once you stock yourself with all the basics!) So just have fun and get involved and make it yours!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yummy Chicken

Last week my football team, the Chargers, played on Thursday night. (Let's not talk about how the actual game went..) So I really wanted to eat something footballish (ok now I'm making up words...) For instance, things I've done for football games before included, pizza, chicken wings, tacos... So when I came across a recipe using chicken drumsticks and the word spicy I was sold! I decided to give it a try, and let me tell you it was delicious!!!! I make a lot of chicken, so I'm always excited when I find a new way to cook it!
So here's what I did...Get a pack of chicken drumsticks(I have also since used chicken thighs and they were just as good), however many you want to make, I made a package of six and had some for lunch the next day! Then make a dry mixture of chili powder, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. How much of each you use really depends on how spicy or how salty or how peppery you want it! I used more of the spicy ingredients. (I'd shoot for 2 tsp of the chili powder and closer to 1 tsp for the rest) Then add three gloves of garlic minced. And finally top it off with about 3 Tbls of coconut oil, melted, to help coat it to the chicken. Oven at 375 degrees and cook for about one hour. Did I mention this was a SIMPLE recipe???
So there you go, simple, yummy, Paleo approved, football appropriate food!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Healthweis goes Paleo!

It has been a LONG time since I posted on here. Since then I have lost my way and re-found it! Within a relationship I gained a lot of weight, and really moved away from any kind of healthy lifestyle!! Once that relationship ended I was able to find my way back, and even find new, amazing ways of living!
The most important being that I fell in love with The Paleo Diet!! Thanks to my sister, my forever mentor, I decided to give it a try. She had been doing it for about three weeks when I decided to jump aboard. When she first told me about it, I really had zero desire to give it a chance...all I could hear is can't eat this, can't eat that. And parts of it actually went
against ways I'd been thinking about food for a while! But within those three weeks, I could really see a difference in my sister, and I'm not talking about weight loss (although there was that) I'm talking about attitude and just how happy she was sounding! The Paleo diet, like everything else, is a way of life not just a "diet". So one day I just started it, to see how hard it would be to follow. I haven't stopped doing it since, and let me tell you I feel GREAT!
I'm not certified in knowledge about this diet, I just have read a lot about it from lots of different sources, and if you are interested in it, I ask that you look to those sources that have a much deeper knowledge than I do to explain what this diet really is. On here I'm going to do similar to what
I used to do, just share my path on this new way of life. I'll share recipes I find, struggles I face, questions I come across, and anything else that comes up!
I'm excited to share with all of you!