Mind you I do PLENTY of lower body stuff on my own, I do lots of lunges both walking and standing, I do squats for minutes at a time, weighted even, and I do all sorts of abs, even going non-stop for 7 minutes when I'm doing my circuit. That all said, this class kicked my butt! There is something to say about class workouts, they always seem to be able to push you harder then you can ever push yourself!
She took it to the point that normally I would probably stop, then kept going to the point where I was ok I'm really being pushed, then kept going till I just really was DONE, and man we don't even realize how much more we have in ourselves sometimes. It was never too much, just so much more than I can get ME to do on my own. And my competitive nature doesn't let me quit in front of groups of people, so they ALL help me push.
This all said I suggest looking around in whatever community that you are a part of and finding some classes that speak to you. Be that jazzersize, kick boxing, karate, dance, pole dancing (this really is a workout class offered some places), some sort of boot camp, whatever YOU like and start letting someone push you to the point you should be at, and have FUN doing it!

Last little note, if you are in the SD area, my sister and I talked about her coming down Saturdays this summer to do a Boot Camp for us, she really is a GREAT inspirational teacher, so let me know if you have any interest! I'll bring it up again a few times closer to the time!
I'm interested.